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2024/02/19 00:00 〜 2024/02/26 23:59

BLAQLIST 15th Anniversary JAKET




----------------------------------------------------------------------- 【受注終了】 2024.2.19(mon) 〜 2024.2.24(sat)までの期間限定の完全受注生産の商品となります。 実際の商品のお届けは2024年3月上旬を予定しています。 また、他の商品と一緒にご注文された場合は本商品の発送時期にあわせての発送となるため、ご注意ください。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2008年に藤沢MossVillageの八百屋の2Fで始まったD.L.i.P.の母体そのものであるPARTY"BLAQLIST"15周年を記念したジャケットが完成。 右側のBLAQLISTは豪華刺繍仕様。 左側には15年の歴史が英文にて刻まれている。 裏地はボア付き仕様。 ≡≡≡≡≡ The BLAQLIST party started at “Club F.A.P” located on the 2nd floor of a yaoya store in Fujisawa A.K.A. “MOSS VILLAGE”. There weren’t many party goers in the beginning, but as the BL DJs kept the floor hype with their dope sound the place became where heads got together. With the release of DINARY’s 1st album and BLAHRMY’s 1st E.P, BL became a party that draws people from all over the country. The 6th anniversary was held at “BRIDGE” in Yokohama and 7th at “clubasia” in Tokyo. These 2 locations have been the major spots for the BL party ever since. After club F.A.P closed, “OPPA-LA” located in Enoshima had become the staple for the city in summer time. Now that FORTUNE D, DIRTY JOINT, YASS, and other regular members have joined forces, the momentum is only getting stronger. BL is now celebrating it’s 15th anniversary and the members are touring around Japan with a tour bus, in a tough and rough way. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ■ SIZE ■ ●M 着丈:72cm 身幅:58cm 裄丈:87cm ●L 着丈:75cm 身幅:61cm 裄丈:88cm ●XL 着丈:78cm 身幅:64cm 裄丈:89cm ※ 繊維商品となりますので、表記から若干の誤差がございます。予めご了承ください。 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
